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Tag: What’s New in FrameMaker 10

Adobe FrameMaker 10: FrameMaker Alert Boxes

by Barb Binder FrameMaker has a long history of alerting us to various problems in our documents. We have alert boxes that pop up when we: Open a document with unavailable fonts, Open a document that was saved using an earlier version of FrameMaker, Open a document that contains one or more unresolved cross-references, or We […]

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Adobe FrameMaker 10: The Brand New Table Catalog!

by Barb Binder I’d file this one under “R” for “Really? This made the new feature list in FrameMaker 10?” As a long-time Adobe Certified Instructor on multiple Adobe programs, I’m well aware that Adobe often slips in new features that they don’t get around to documenting. This one is the quite the opposite. Listed under […]

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Adobe FrameMaker 10: Drag and Drop

by Barb Binder I was walking to my gate recently, and overheard an elderly woman complaining to a younger woman as they passed me in the airport. All I heard her say was, “Why do they give us so many ways of doing the same thing?” Who knows what she was talking about, but it made […]

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Adobe FrameMaker 10: Repeat the Last Operation

by Barb Binder Here’s another simple, yet powerful feature that is new in FrameMaker 10. If you pull down the Edit menu and start reading from the top, you’ll find Undo, Redo, History and then new Repeat command. Its job is simply to repeat your last activity. This includes: Typing text Pasting Deleting Applying a character […]

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Adobe FrameMaker 10: Why Should I Care About the New Background Color?

by Barb Binder Throughout my entire FrameMaker training career, I’ve only been asked once how to electronically highlight text in FrameMaker. (That FrameMaker couldn’t do it at that time proved to be a deal breaker, and that client decided to switch to InDesign.) Because of this one incident, I was keenly aware when Adobe added background […]

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Adobe FrameMaker 10: Why are there Checkmarks in the Catalogs?

by Barb Binder When I started working in Adobe FrameMaker 10, one of the first differences I noticed was the appearance of checkmarks in front of the formats in the various Catalogs. My first guess was that they indicated whether a format was being used in the document, or not. But I would see checkmarks on […]

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Adobe FrameMaker 10: New and Improved Cut & Paste from Word

by Barb Binder I love uncovering the little, undocumented features in an upgrade. Yesterday, while teaching my first Adobe FrameMaker 10 class, I was reviewing the various ways to get text from Word into FrameMaker. We touched on cut and paste, and it was my intention to have my students discover why they had to use […]

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Adobe FrameMaker 10: Auto Spell Check

by Barb Binder I can’t tell you how many times my Adobe FrameMaker students ask where the “red squiggles” are when we start the chapter on text editing. In my humble opinion, there’s not a whole lot to like about Microsoft Word, but I have to admit that I do use it for writing, primarily to […]

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