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Adobe Creative Cloud: It’s Not Working After the Upgrade

By Barb Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor on InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator If I have learned one thing as an Adobe Community Professional helping out on the forums, it would be this—don’t rush to upgrade. Sure, things might be better after an upgrade or they might go downhill fast. Here’s my advice: when you get an […]

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Adobe InDesign: Opening a Document in an Older Version of InDesign

by Barb Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor on InDesign From a recent Rocky Mountain Training student: I am not able to open a document that I created in InDesign yesterday. When I took your [Introduction to Adobe InDesign CS6] class, I was using a free trial of the CS6, then after your class my company decided to […]

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Adobe CS, CC & TCS Applications: The Importance of Custom Workspaces

by Barb Binder When my husband tells me I’m special, it’s not exactly a compliment. He doesn’t mean it as an expression of esteem, respect, affection, or admiration; he means I’m a little like Dustin Hoffman’s character in Rainman. I have a tendency to put myself in situations where I need to rush around like a […]

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Adobe Photoshop: Adding a Vignette as a Creative Effect

by Barb Binder In photography, the term “vignette” refers the darkening (or sometimes lightening) the edges of an image, as compared to the image center. Sometimes vignetting is an unintended and/or undesired effect caused by camera settings or lens limitations. Other times, it is added after the fact as a creative effect. In the two images […]

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