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Kevin Siegel, CTT+, ICCOTP
Kevin A. Siegel is a career technical trainer. He teaches classes on Adobe Technical Communications Suite (TCS) applications: Adobe Robohelp, Adobe Captivate, Adobe FrameMaker and more.
Kevin is a Certified Technical Trainer (CTT+) and a member of ICCOTP (International Council for Certified Online Training Professionals). He was an Adobe Certified instructor until Adobe retired that designation in 2023. He is an active member of the Adobe Community Experts program, supporting Adobe users by answering questions on the Adobe forums.
Kevin spent five years in the U.S. Coast Guard as an award-winning photojournalist and has more than 23 years experience as a print publisher and technical writer. He is a Certified Technical Trainer, has been a classroom instructor for more than 15 years and is a frequent speaker at trade shows and conventions. Kevin holds multiple certifications from companies such as Adobe and CompTIA.
Adobe Systems, Inc. recognized Kevin Siegel as one of the Top Five Most Highly‐Rated Adobe Certified Instructors, Worldwide.